Brand Abuse

What do you do if your competitors use your corporate or brand names to divert business from you to them?

They can do this in a variety of ways; registering domain names which are similar or identical to your trademarks and diverting those domain names to their own websites, deceiving search engines by using your corporate or brand name in the coding of their website or paying search engines so that when someone searches for your company or product, your competitor’s website is listed in the search results.

Usually, we manage to resolve such matters through correspondence. Litigation is, of course, an option but the costs are high.

The registration of trademarks can be invaluable. Not only does it increase the value of your brand and business but it is also a very strong weapon against people who seek to abuse your brand by way of identical or similar domain name registrations. We can provide advice and assistance regarding trademark registrations.

All our prices are fixed in advance.

For further information, please call Simon Halberstam on 020 3206 2781 or via email to

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Articles on domain name law